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Immigration: Get Involved

We at CATA understand that the presence of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. contributes to the betterment of civil society.

En CATA entendemos que la presencia de inmigrantes indocumentados en los Estados Unidos contribuye al mejoramiento de la sociedad civil.

North American society takes advantage of the immigrant population in order to maintain low salaries and increase profits. Although immigrants contribute financially though purchasing and living costs, and many pay taxes and into Social Security, they are kept in poverty and do not receive a quality of life equal to everyone else. 

CATA believes that a comprehensive immigration reform should include:

  • A pathway to citizenship for all undocumented immigrants that is not based on length of residency or employment

  • The right to maintain families together

  • The right to work, protected by all labor rights, including the right to collective bargaining and a living wage

La sociedad norteamericana se aprovecha de la población inmigrante para mantener bajos salarios y aumentar las ganancias. Aunque los inmigrantes contribuyen financieramente a través de los costos de compra y de vida, y muchos pagan impuestos y al Seguro Social, se mantienen en la pobreza y no reciben una calidad de vida igual a todos los demás.

CATA cree que una reforma migratoria integral debería incluir:

  • Un camino hacia la ciudadanía para todos los inmigrantes indocumentados que no se basa en la duración de la residencia o el empleo.

  • El derecho a mantener unidas a las familias

  • El derecho al trabajo, protegido por todos los derechos laborales, incluido el derecho a la negociación colectiva y un salario digno.


In the absence of Comprehensive Immigration Reform, CATA and its members focus on other immigrant rights issues including:


  • Expanding access to Driver’s Licenses for the undocumented community

  • Working with communities on how they can be more fair and welcoming to their undocumented neighbors

  • Know Your Rights Trainings and Presentations

  • Accompaniment Programs and support for those in deportation proceedings

  • Basic Immigration Services and paperwork

The struggle of the immigrant community goes beyond the recognition of basic human rights as migrants and workers. The struggle is to challenge society to not be guided by fear and intolerance, but by the recognition of the value and inherent dignity of human life.

Instagram-DACA Workshop April 28.png
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